Tuesday, August 04, 2009

set drag n' drop output size in aperture

while you are using Aperture, it's quite convenient to just drag your photos(previews in Aperture's term) to anywhere your mac or any upload apps like Flickr Uploadr.
However, after few times of exporting to flickr like drag n' drop, i realize i wasnt exporting the real size i wanted to. Like i shot with 10 mega pixel and wanted exact same size to be stored on Flickr. I found it's always half or less than I expected.
Here I came to google and apple-support and I am not the only plant on this planet lol
Solutions as followed that:

  1. the picture you drag from the aperture would be the "preview" in Aperture.
  2. go + , to preferences.
  3. set previews size to no limit or any other you prefer.

now you are almost there, yet.
the previews wont be updated til you do that.

that requires you to delete the old ones and generate/update new previews then you can get whole library a no-limit drag and drop output size.

ref link: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1419012