Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to Add Word Count Function in TextEdit, Mac OS

It's no fresh news. I did not want to install the dominating Office just for counting words. I believe there's always an alternative.
Here we go!

Go to Applications -> Utilities -> AppleScript Editor
Click Preferences of it.
Check to "Show Script menu in menu bar"

Paste the following:

tell application "TextEdit"
set word_count to count words of document 1
set char_count to count characters of document 1
set show_words to (word_count as string) & " words. (" & (char_count as string) & " characters.)"
set dialog_title to "TextEdit Word Count"
display dialog show_words with icon 1 with title dialog_title buttons {"Ok"} default button "Ok"
end tell

Save to /Library/Scripts

(I named as Count)

I guess you could see the script on the menu bar as shown.

Beautiful lovely Mac!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Surprising Connections (by Wired)

To sum up, I am a Coke guy who fears dentists reading USA Today(I just deleted the app!). The most interesting about me would be I am the one who cross against the light and definitely maybe the one who is attracted to redheads.  

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to Reinstall a Macbook Air

The Samsung 80GB 1.8" HD just went wrong. And the Air is getting slower and slower. She cannot take it anymore. It bothers. (especially a Friday night when you were trying to take a pre-sleep =P )

Here I take it over. First off, I checked the permission and repair some of them. It wasn't enough. After checked the disk, our nightmare came at the mid of the midnight Friday the 13th.
"It cant be repaired. Please insert the Mac OSX Installation Disc and restart your Macbook Air."
I know there's a remote disc function on OSX. What I did not realize was I can not directly connect to the remote disc after the "restart". Even I geekly pressed Option while startup, all I saw was the original harddrive rather than a remote installation disc.

Google, my dearest buddy tells me that he just found a post from Maciverse that I will need a Remote Install to finish the job. So I went to Apps, Utilities, Remote Install Mac OS X and click continue and continue. If you've done all the things right. You will be able to see the following screen.

The worst case scenario would be "your disk is damaged and cannot be repaired. please contact the Genius Bar near you" 

Well... Maybe it's time to get an upgrade!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cracked White Macbook Casing

I just got a surprising free replacement while looking to check a 2006-old battery life at Techroom (Authorized, great service). It took one day to order the parts and 10 minutes to finish them.

Your Macbook is covered even you're not in Apple Care or any kind of warranty. 
Apple is privately acknowledging an issue with the enclosure on some of its white 13-inch MacBooks, which in some cases have seen the formation of hairline cracks during normal usage patterns.

This was back to April, 2009 and I am a happy exciting kido like getting a whole new macbook for Christmas gift as early as a back-to-school season.

Check Apple Insider to see the private announcement.